J. Coco Website & Logo
What Was Needed
J. Coco has a reputation as one of the best restaurants in Omaha. 3 time Best of Omaha winner Jenifer Coco asked us to build a website that was not only nice looking, but easy to maintain.
What We Provided
A great website, logo, ads, and cards were made. Consistent use the J. Coco style and feel were used to create a beautiful brand that almost lives up to how great the food is. (Seriously, the food is amazing!)
Mobile & Tablet Friendly Designs
Mobile Refresh
Rebuilt with mobile looks and functionality in mind. This site not only looks good but runs well.
Rebuilt From the Inside Out
Build on WordPress this site is easy for clients to edit and update and still holds a great look.
Tablet Friendly
With the growing popularity of tablets we wanted to make sure all visitors could access the features of the site so we made sure you can still book a reservation while on tablet.